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At Make Life Better Ltd, we assist utility companies, charities, and the NHS to increase the financial stability and well-being of vulnerable households

Unlock Financial Relief for Your Customers with MLB

A good number of your customers will be experiencing financial hardship. Do you want to make a meaningful impact while enhancing your company’s reputation?

Look no further. Partner with Make Life Better to provide an average of £3,000 in financial benefits each year to eligible customers.

Why Partner with MLB?

  • Customer-Centric Approach: Show your commitment to customers’ well-being by helping them realise their unclaimed benefits, grants and vouchers
  • Enhance Reputation: Position your company as a caring and socially responsible organisation
  • Tailored Solutions: Our data-driven approach targets the right people, improving customer satisfaction
  • Easy Implementation: Seamlessly integrate our service into your customer support framework

What You Get

  • Financial Relief for Customers: Demonstrable support for those in need, providing outstanding customer service and long-term loyalty
  • Positive PR: Showcase your company’s commitment to social impact and community betterment. A stream of case studies of people’s lives changed for the better
  • Streamlined Process: Our experienced team handles everything, minimising workload on your end
  • Brand Enhancement: Position your company as a force for good and amplify your positive influence – get on the front foot

Together, let’s make a lasting difference in the lives of your customers. Partner with MLB and empower your customers with much-needed financial assistance.

Provide Energy Vouchers and White Goods

Access to essential resources like energy and household appliances can significantly impact a family’s well-being and financial situation.

At Make Life Better Ltd, we provide energy vouchers and white goods to those in need, ensuring they have a warm and comfortable living environment. By relieving the burden of high energy costs and providing essential appliances, we contribute to reducing financial strain and improving the overall quality of life for individuals and families.

Lift Families Out of Financial Hardship

Financial hardship can be an overwhelming and persistent challenge for many families.

Our mission is to lift families out of this cycle of hardship and empower them to regain control of their finances. Through our comprehensive support programs, we equip families with the tools and resources needed to overcome financial obstacles. By addressing the root causes of financial hardship, we create pathways for long-term financial stability and independence.

Improve Mental Health and Well-being

At Make Life Better Ltd, we recognise the strong link between financial well-being and mental health.

Our holistic approach involves addressing both aspects to ensure overall well-being. By addressing mental health challenges and promoting well-being, we empower individuals to navigate life’s challenges more effectively and build resilience.

Social Return on Investment Greater Than 10:1

We are driven by a commitment to deliver meaningful and sustainable social impact.

Through our comprehensive services and initiatives, we generate a Social Return on Investment (SROI) greater than 10:1. This means that for every pound invested in our programs, we create a social value of more than ten pounds. By leveraging our expertise, resources, and innovative approaches, we maximise the impact of every intervention, creating a ripple effect of positive change in the lives of individuals, families, and communities.

Join Us in Creating Lasting Impact

At Make Life Better Ltd, we are dedicated to empowering individuals, lifting families out of financial hardship, improving mental health and well-being, and generating significant social impact. We invite you to join us in this transformative journey. Together, we can make a tangible difference in the lives of individuals and communities, creating a future where financial stability, well-being, and social progress are accessible to all.

Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can collaborate to create a brighter future together. Together, let’s shape a world where every individual can thrive and succeed.

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